Thursday, April 15, 2010

Today was a good day!

So I just woke up today, super excited for today, just because I now have my new processor. Things are just going so well with the new ear. I can hear so much, and so well. It's just amazing how it all sounds to me. I was talking to Mandy this morning about how, even with my voice, I can hear and understand myself well because of the old processor, but the new processor is contributing so much that I can hear it's contribution in my voice. Mandy brought up a great point though, I am hearing about 10 dB better than I do with my current Freedom.

Anyways, I was already in program 3 today, and Mandy wanted to check my impedances. They came down very dramatically, so we actually remapped me today and gave me new progressive maps. The roaring, high pitch whinnying sound that I was hearing yesterday is still present, but it seems more manageable than it did yesterday. I can hear people and words, but they are not all that clear. It'll get there though, I can already tell that it's clearer today than it was yesterday. Next week, Mandy will put in the booth and get some data on really how I am doing. I will keep you all posted on that.

In other news, today was my first run outdoors! Went with some great MEEI folks! It was awesome. We did about 4 miles, however, I needed to stop a bunch of times. Running indoors on a treadmill does NOT prepare you for the outside! Funny story though, I grabbed two left shoes when I left the house! Haha, a coworker/friend came up with a savvy solution and found an old woman's pair (size 10) shoes that fit me pretty decently that I used for the run... As always... I have pictures :)

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